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Everything to transform your body

8 weeks challenge to get in the best shape of your life.

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Build in app

Every video is displayed inside the app in a day by day plan. 


Every video is accessible online or offline if you download it before.  A simple click on the offline button beside the lesson and the video will then be accessible without Internet connection.


60 Days to learn Calisthenics

Our workout plan will allow you to master all the fundamentals, squat, push-ups, dips, pull-ups, chin ups, lunges...


But not only: get ready for spiderman push-ups, pop off dips, toes to bar and much more.

You want
to learn figures

In order to learn the mythic figures such as the human flag, iron cross, muscle ups, front lever, dragon flag, etc. You need to develop useful strength.


Calisthenics prince is the best way to get there.


Not only you will get a great aesthetic but you will also develop your performances higher than anyone else.

Train anytime anywhere, no need of a gym.

The content of this plan only includes equipment you can find in calisthenics parks.


Bonus: A Calisthenics fit test to measure your progress before and after.

Our offer: 

  • 60 days workout plan  400€

  • Calisthenics Prince Fit test  299€

  • Access to community for support and motivation 99

  • Access to tracker 129€

  • App access on Android,
    iOS and Web

    Total Value: 826€

    Our price: 69€



You want to improve your performances, your aesthetic, build your ultimate body or just master calisthenics.
You are at the right place !


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