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Get your staff in shape and healthy

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More and more studies are showing the positive impact of sport and healthy nutrition. 


But not every coach can get you there, and it can represent a relatively big financial investment.


Here at K-fit we designed the perfect solution for every company who care about it's team. 


Workout plans

We have created training plans that suits specifically the goals of employees: 

- weight loss, 

- getting fit,

- posture,

- strong and aesthetic core,

- better flexibility, 

- etc.



Nutrition plans

We also created solutions for nutrition:

- a pack of fit recipes to eat healthy with the right macro nutrients,

- and a nutrition learning course.

If you want to learn or just to follow the guide, these solutions are what you need.


Stress management

We know that the Stress management is more and more an issue for people.

Resulting in bad sleep, lack of energy and finally depression. 


We created a special plan to work on it with only 5 minutes per day.


Build in app

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Not only your training plan will be taylor made, but it will be displayed on our app.


Day by day plan, interactive training. Click on next when the exercice is done or just complete the timer when the exercice is on time. 

Breaks and exercices durations included in real time as much as number of sets.

Tutorials for every exercice in videos.


You will keep lifetime access to your plan.

Get your
personalized plan

Have a look at this link to discover how to create your personalized training plan.

* Higher than - people, you get one plan free per year.


Plan content

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The  subscription plan contain everything you need to get your team in shape faster than ever.

Download here our price list for companies in PDF

Our offer

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