I am so happy to announce that K-fit is now available on Google Play.
It has been a lot of work and a lot of struggles to arrive here , but finally here we are.
The app looks even more awesome through google playstore than as a native app.
It works fine and flawless. We are at the moment into the process of apple registration and we hope we will soon have another great news to announce :)
The app is free to download but the content on it is subject to subscription. A few workouts will be set as free so you will be able to test our app :)
So far Calisthenics prince , Heal are the only products available on it but we are building weekly new workouts.
We are also offering the possibility to build taylor made workout plans for you. check our website for more informations .
We have no doubts that our app will make a revolution in Fitness training. Not because of the technique but due to the content. 12 years of personal training experience at your service to build more and more workout plans.
Quality is king and we hope you will like it as much as my clients for the last 12 years .
The team
Linden Kevin
Master trainer at K-fit